
Assimilate Open Their Online Store For Theirs And Others Products

October 25th, 2011

Assimilate's new eSTore will have a free trial version of SCRATCH Lab available from...

Just Published HD Magazine DIGITAL EDITION 53

October 25th, 2011

Director Alastair Lee peers down a mountain face in the Italian Dolomites to get a shot for his new TVC for BerghausHD MAGAZINE’S Digital...

48 GoPro Rig For ‘Bullet Time’ Video

October 11th, 2011

A 48 GoPro camera prototype Array rig, which was designed to...

Frozen Capture

September 22nd, 2011

A very cold Phil Coates and his very cool Canon XA10. © Martin Hartley.comAs part...

Class Of The Field?

September 20th, 2011

The Sound Devices PIX 240 recorder with timecode generator, HD-SDI and on board hardware...

A Varicam For The 21st Century?

September 20th, 2011

The PSCAM x35 has a passing resemblance to the Arri ALEXA cameraWhen Panasonic unveiled...

Christie show 60 frames per second 3D for the first time

September 20th, 2011

Christie's Solaria Series CP2230 projector showed the 60fps 3D with a combination of other currently...

Possible Specs For New Canon Video Camera?

September 20th, 2011

At the Canon Paris Expo last October, they were showing this 4k video and stills prototype. Perhaps this is the big surprise on November...

24-7 Drama buy ARRI ALEXA Studios at IBC

September 16th, 2011

24-7 Invests in the new Arri STUDIO for UK dramaRental specialist 24-7 Drama have placed...

CVP Buy 10 Sony F65 Kits

September 10th, 2011

Adam Fry, Director of AV Media and B&I at Sony and Phil Baxter of CVP...


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