
Hit Girls

May 3rd, 2010

DoP Mark Hamilton had his first experience with Arri’s increasingly popular D21 digital cinematography camera systemHit Girls is a light hearted action ‘short’ about...

Why You Should Shoot Data And Not Film

April 30th, 2010

To shoot data successfully you might think you need a leap of faith but Digilab London’s Miguel Ferros reckons you’ve already been thinking about...

Harry Brown

April 30th, 2010

When Sony announced the F35 camera at the end of 2007, there was a certain amount of surprise because their F23 ‘two thirds’ sensor...

A LUT And How To Use It

April 30th, 2010

Dan Mulligan Of Rogue Element Films Gives His advice On The Use And Abuse Of Look Up Tables (LUTs) in Digital Cinematography.

Peter Jackson Welcomes the End of Film and the Coming of 4K as a 70mm Substitute

April 23rd, 2010

Peter Jackson was sending a message to the RED event at the recent NAB Convention from his New Zealand base © REDIn a message...

Quantel’s Complete 3D Workflow

April 20th, 2010

Even though NAB has now ended, because of a certain Icelandic volcano there is a part of Las Vegas that is still very British....

Three Major Lens Manufacturers Announce Partnership

April 19th, 2010

In photo from left to right: 1. Hidetoshi Kimura, President, Fujinon Europe 2. Christian Bannert, Product Development Manager, Carl Zeiss 3. Dr. Martin Prillmann,...

FOR-A Show Lightweight High Speed Camera

April 16th, 2010

Broadcast equipment manufacturer FOR-A, not known for making cameras, showed the VFC-7000 HD Variable Frame Rate (Super Slow Motion) Camera at the 2010 NAB...

‘Hurt Locker’ Slomo Guys Show New ‘Diablo’ Camera

April 16th, 2010

IDT’s new Diablo High Speed camera Pic © Inspirational StudiosWe missed this camera and thank Inspiration Studios for blogging about it. The HDiablo was...

Sony At NAB 2010 – Update

April 16th, 2010

Sony’s HXR-MC50E ultra compact camcorderAt NAB, Sony showed: The new 3D monitors and the MPE-200 3D Processor Box. The PMW-320 camcorder. This memory-based shoulder-mount camcorder builds on...


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