
Shooting With The Sherlock And Slumdog Camera

April 30th, 2010

Digital camera technician Stephen Price explains what you need to know when you shoot with the Silicon Imaging SI 2K cameraThe film industry’s buzzword...


April 23rd, 2010

Given a 31 day shooting schedule with a new camera and data workflow, DoP David Higgs shot log to give him some headroom in...

Pushing The Button

April 21st, 2010

Frame Grab from The Curious Case Of Benjamin ButtonIf you have ever seen the movie Babel starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett, you’ll know...

Save The DIT (Digital Image Technician)

April 20th, 2010

DoP George C. Palmer argues that there are no official qualifications for the role of the DIT and that opens the door for abuse...

The Calculus Of Love

April 19th, 2010

DP Dirk Nel with Sony SRW9000 and ‘Hopkins’ © Pippa HealyWhen I first got the call from Dan Clifton  to work with him on The...

3D Quasar Shoots ‘The Mortician’

April 16th, 2010

On the set of “The Mortician” Cinematographer Michael McDonough Photo by Cook Allender When writer/director Gareth Maxwell Rogers decided to shoot the psychological thriller...

Why I bought a Sony F35 cinematography camera by Dan Mulligan

December 1st, 2009

Dan Mulligan and his f35 cameraIt is maybe as a result of the slickness of...


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