
Grass Valley Gets A Buyer But Without Head-End Business

July 27th, 2010

Francisco Partners, a San Francisco, California-based private equity firm focused on investments in technology-based companies, has made a binding offer to Technicolor for...

IBC Preview: AstroDesign 4K Camera

July 26th, 2010

AstroDesign's new 4K cameraFrom our on going compilation of an IBC Preview comes an interesting...

IBC Preview Entry Form Now Live!

July 20th, 2010

GET YOUR EQUIPMENT LISTING IN NOW!Calling all companies who are exhibiting at the IBC 2010 show, this is your chance to appear in our...

Putting A Movie Camera In a TV Gimbal

July 19th, 2010

Putting a Sony F23 on a gimbal designed for a 950 wasn't' easyOn New Years...

Restoration of a TV Icon

July 19th, 2010

After 18 months testing the restoration of The World At War has begunThe World At...

Band Pro Make Good On ‘Camcorder for life’ SRW9000

July 19th, 2010

When SONY announced the continuation of tape based camcorders with their SRW9000 HDCAM SR camcorder last year, they called it 'The Camcorder for...

Mercedes SLS Shot at 160MPH in 3D

July 15th, 2010

Pursuit Europe's Toureg with Pursuit Crane and Mercedes SLSIn© Word is an agency that sells...

Digital Cinema Mastering Workshops

July 14th, 2010

High Definition & Digital Cinema Ltd, supported by the Skillset film Skills Fund, presents the 'Theory and Practice of Digital Cinema Mastering.' A...

Broadcast HD Directly From Your Camera With CUBE

July 13th, 2010

To view live video in the field, simply turn on Cube and point your browser...

3D Specialist’s View Of Panasonic 3D Camcorder

July 12th, 2010

Does Panasonic's new 3D camera remind you of WALL-E?Inition are a specialist 3D production...


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