FilmLight Colour Awards: Rising Talent

Posted on May 23, 2024 by Samara Husbands

Now in its fourth iteration, the FilmLight Colour Awards – which are presented annually at EnergaCAMERIMAGE – have added a new category that celebrates emerging industry talent

The award will recognise a colourist between the ages of 18 and 35 who has contributed to a commercial or music video.

Judged by an independent panel of cinematographers, colourists and other creatives, the awards now span six classes: commercial, music video, television series/episodic, theatrical feature and ‘spotlight’ (low-budget feature), as well as ‘emerging talent’.

Also new for this year, FilmLight welcomes four supporting partners: Mexican Society of Cinematographers (AMC), ShotDeck, German Society of Cinematographers (BVK) and Indian Society of Cinematographers (ISC).

This feature was first published in the June 2024 issue of Definition

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