GoPro Unveils Its Premium Content Licensing Portal

GoPro today announced their next marketing strategy which isn’t a camera but a stills and video clip library with the launch of their premium content licensing portal for global advertising brands and agencies to license premiere video and images.

Key features include:


•    Content Merchandising – showcasing new and popular content

•    Search & Filtering – enhanced discovery based on rich meta-data

•    Video Previews – at-a-glance video previews


•    Lightbox – video preview sharing tool for creative team members

•    Downloads ability to download low and high resolution file formats with batch download functionality

•    Watermarking – visual watermarks ensure that the use of pre-licensed content is secure

License Request Workflow

•    Licensing – content licensing request workflow

•    Access Control – only approved agencies will be permitted to access and license content

•    Reporting – license request tracking and status reporting

If you want to sell your GoPro clips you have to visit the site to register.


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