Enter The Ninja Recorder

Posted on Sep 11, 2010 by Alex Fice

Produced in partnership with Apple, hence the ProRes codec – the NinjaAs a possible competitor to the Convergent Design NanoFlash comes the Ninja from ATOMOS, a company that includes an ex Black Magic Design-er and a product that has been created in partnership with Apple.

The Ninja records straight out of the HDMI output of your camera and is recorded to Apple’s ProRes codec on to 2.5inch hard drives not any kind of flash memory which they say ”is just not there yet for serious HD video production”. You can use all the flavours of ProRes from HQ to LT – 300GB of ProResHQ gives you three hours roughly of recording time.

Price is good at EURO795 which is about half the price of the new AJA Ki Pro Mini we mentioned yesterday.

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