Medical Industry Backs HD And 3D
Posted on Jul 26, 2011 by Alex Fice
Solid Look’s 3D cameraWhere the medical world goes, sometimes the pro video world follows, with technology at least. We look at two recent advances in medical videography that may have a bearing in our world.
The Sony PMW-10MD has a compact camera head unit, that can be attached either to a surgical microscope, a surgical boom arm, or to a ceiling, and a separated camera control unit. The distance between the camera head and the camera control unit can be extended up to 20 m (62.6 feet).
In the camera control unit, there are two SxS PRO memory card slots for recording full HD quality moving images and capturing still images. The PMW-10MD can record up to 280 minutes of moving images on two 32-GB cards.
An HQ mode supports 1920 x 1080 resolution at 35Mb/s and the SP mode supports 1440 x 1080 resolution at 25Mb/s, which provides compatibility with HDV 1080i products and up to 140 minutes with one 32-GB SxS memory card
Sony’s PMW-10MDEndoStereoVision from Solid-Look Corporation is a full HD 1080 3D stereoscopic camera design for minimal invasive surgery.
It’s more of a complete and modular solution including a set of rigid optical FDA approved stereo laparoscopes coupled with a 6 CMOS 1/2in full medical grade stereoscopic camera and multiple stereoscopic displays.
Surgeons see in 3D stereo in real-time, with a resolution that starts from 1080 per each eye with true colour images displayed at 30 frames per second.
Surgeons can record in real-time and playback in full high definition 3D stereoscopic videos on any computer using any 3D displays (JVC has recently been lending hospitals one of their 3D displays for this purpose).
Everyone sees stereoscopically what EndoStereoVision captures – from any position inside or outside the surgery room and without any need of special helmets or any infrared wireless synchronisation.
Resolution is claim to be ‘amazing’ as well as perception of depth and the comfort of position. These three factors are extremely important for any surgeon and his team, reducing surgery time while improving diagnosis and surgery precision and having safer operations.
EndoStereoVision is delivered as a standalone solution or as add-on to surgical robots and also a tool to create stereo-video libraries suitable for direct broadcasting or long-term archiving. Good for medical training.