Codex Ships VariCam 35 Raw Recorder
Posted on Jun 30, 2015 by Alex Fice
The new direct-attach Codex V-RAW Recorder enables uncompressed RAW recording at up to 120fps – and it also powers the camera!
Codex is now delivering the Codex V-RAW Recorder for the Panasonic VariCam 35 camera to customers worldwide. The recorder adds uncompressed RAW capture to Panasonic’s new camera platform by enabling the recording of 4K RAW at up to 120fps.
The Codex V-RAW Recorder records to the next-generation Codex Capture Drive 2.0, which has a bandwidth of 20Gb/s. V-RAW comes as a direct-attach module for the VariCam 35 camera, eliminating the need for cables, it also powers the camera and has three 24V accessory power outputs.
The Codex V-RAW Recorder plugs in to their workflow from production to post and archive, via Codex Vault Platform, Vault Review, Review Live and Media Vault systems.